COR Freedom

Recognizing the Signs Your Loved One Needs Fall Prevention Solutions

An older Michigan couple stands in front of their blue, 2-story, Clinton Township home. They're dressed nicely in button-down, collared shirts and the lush green lawn and plants in the yard suggest it's spring in Michigan.

Falls are one of the leading causes of injury among older adults, often leading to broken bones, hospital stays, and loss of independence. The good news is that many falls can be prevented with the right safety measures in place.

If you’re worried about a parent, grandparent, or other loved one, here are some key signs that your loved one needs fall prevention solutions—many of which COR Freedom can help with

1. Trouble with Balance or Walking

How to Know: Does your loved one hold onto furniture while moving around? Do they struggle to stand up from a chair? If so, they are at a high risk of falling. Strengthening exercises can help, but home modifications can make an immediate difference.

  • Solutions: Grab bars, handrails or security poles in bathrooms, hallways, and near beds can provide extra support and stability. COR Freedom mounts grab bars, handrails, and security poles to give your loved one the confidence they need to move safely. 

2. They've Fallen Before

A previous fall or even a close call is a warning sign that another fall could happen. According to the National Institute on Aging, more than one in four people over 65 falls each year.

How to Know:

  • Physical signs of a fall
    • Unexplained bruises or cuts – Falls often leave visible signs. Look for marks on their arms, legs, or face.
    • Stiffness or Pain – If they seem sore, walk differently, or avoid certain movements, they may be trying to hid an injury.
    • Changes in Clothing – Are they suddenly wearing long sleeves or pants more often?
    • Broken Glasses or Assistive Devices – A cracked pair of glasses or dented cane or walker could mean they took a spill.
  • Behavioral Changes After a Fall
    • Fear of Moving Around – If they seem hesitant to walk or to climb stairs, they may have fallen before and are afraid to do so again.
    • Spending More Time Sitting or in Bed – A sudden decrease in activity could mean they’re recovering from a fall.
    • Avoiding Certain Rooms  – If they avoid the bathroom, bedroom, or stairs, they may have fallen in that area before. 
  •  Solutions: 
    • Ask Them Gently – Instead of saying, “Did you fall?” try something like “I noticed you seem a little sore today. Did something happen?”
    • Check Their Home for Hazards – Look for trip hazards like loose rugs, poor lighting, or cluttered walkways. 
    • Pay Attention to How They Navigate Potential Trouble Spots – If you can, watch how they move from room to room and up and down stairs. If stairs are particularly an issue, you might recommend a stairlift.

3. Fear of Falling

If your loved one avoids walking too much because they’re afraid of falling, they might actually be increasing their risk. This can also be a telltale sign they’ve fallen before.

Less movement leads to weaker muscles and worse balance.

Solutions: In addition to installing safety products, consider physical  therapy or fall prevention programs to help them regain confidence. 

How COR Freedom Can Help

If you’ve noticed any of these warning signs, it’s time to take action before a fall happens. At COR Freedom, we specialize in making homes safer with: 

Want to learn even more about home accessibility? Check out our video library!

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