COR Freedom

Suction Cup Grab Bars

We live in a world of quick fixes. Need dinner fast? There’s a burger joint around the corner. Forget to buy a birthday gift for your spouse? Amazon can have it there tomorrow.

It’s remarkable how accustomed we’ve become to quick and easy solutions.

However, when it comes to your safety, quick fixes are often the most dangerous. Suction cup grab bars are a glaring example.

In fact, we’ll just say it – suction cup grab bars suck.
thumbs down Here’s why:
  1. They’re unreliable – In humid areas like bathrooms, suction cups can suddenly lose suction.
  2. Limited weight capacity – Grab bars are never meant for full weight bearing; however, those anchored into wall studs have a much higher weight capacity than suction cup versions. Your chances of preventing a fall with a suction-mounted grab bar are much lower than with standard, anchored grab bars.
  3. They create a false sense of security – Users may mistakenly rely on them for full support, not realizing their limitations.
  4. Not ADA compliant: Most suction cup grab bars don’t meet standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act. While ADA doesn’t have jurisdiction over private residences, its guidelines are a great place to start when you’re considering ways to make your home safer to prevent falls.
  5. Limited surface usage: Most only work on smooth, non-porous surfaces and cannot be used on textured tiles or grout lines.

Fall prevention is no place to cut corners. Saving a little time and some money is not worth your health. Need professional help with grab bars? We’ve got you covered!

In the meantime, check out this video that answers some of our most commonly asked grab bar questions.

You can also find more information on our grab bars page.

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