COR Freedom

Common Pool Lift Problems

child in pool lift

Pool lifts are a great way for people with disabilities and walking limitations to be able to enjoy a pool. But what happens when they don’t work properly? In this article we’ll explore some common pool lift problems and what causes them. 

Pool Lift Problem #1: Dead Battery

Dead batteries are the number one reason for pool lift service calls. Given enough time, all batteries eventually fail, but there are ways to protect the life of your pool lift battery to extend the amount of time between replacements. 

Most pool lift manufacturers recommend charging the battery daily in order to maximize the battery’s lifespan.

Pool Lift Problem #2: Parts Failures

Another reason pool lifts sometimes quit working is from lack of use. Like many other machines with moving parts and seals, it’s important to use a pool lift in order to keep it running well. In order to keep yours running well, try to cycle it at least once per day or at minimum once per week. 

Pool Lift Problem #3: Corrosion

Corroded electrical connections are sometimes the culprit when a pool lift quits working. Because pool lifts are always near water and often outside, it’s easy for moisture to get into components and cause corrosion. While there is no perfect way to prevent all moisture from getting in, if your lift is outside, keeping your lift covered when not in use will help keep out the elements. 

Pool Lift Problem #4: Exceeding Weight Weight Limits

On other rare occasions, we see pool lifts break because a user has exceeded the weight limit. It’s important to check your owner’s manual to know your lift’s maximum weight capacity. 

Have Other Pool Lift Questions?

We’re here to help. Complete the contact form below, or check out this other blog article that answers many of the other frequently asked questions we receive. 

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