COR Freedom

Why do I need such a long wheelchair ramp?

Wheelchair Ramp

A question we often hear is “Why do I need such a long wheelchair ramp?” I can’t blame people for asking. If I were in their shoes, I’d want as short a ramp as possible, too.

The answer, though, can usually be summed up with one word: safety. For safety, ADA guidelines recommend at least 12 inches (one foot) of ramp for every one inch of rise*. This is to make sure the slope of the ramp is safe for someone who is in a wheelchair or has a walking limitation. It’s also for the safety of any caregivers who might be pushing the wheelchair.

Ramps shorter than the ADA recommendation can be flat out dangerous. If you haven’t yet, take a look at the video above. At the 42 second mark, you’ll see a humorous real-life example of a ramp that’s too short and how it affects both the person in the wheelchair as well as the person pushing the wheelchair.

Have more questions about wheelchair ramps? Give us a call at 810-213-6377 or check out our YouTube channel here.

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