COR Freedom

Discharging from the Hospital

Hospital Discharge

If you are reading this, it’s likely that you or a loved one are close to discharging from a hospital or rehab facility. Facilities are focused on giving you the best care possible while you’re admitted, but planning for discharge often stops short of considering how you will continue to recover in your own home. 

So what can you do to plan for the day when you or your loved one leaves the hospital or rehab facility?

Ask your facility if they have discharge planners or other resources available. 

They often do, but the medical staff is busy and might forget to offer you the service. If a discharge planner is available, they can give you good insight into all the things you should consider as you or your loved one transition back home.

Consider these questions:

  1. Are there any new medications? What system will you or your loved one be using to make sure the dosage is correct and no doses are missed?
  2. Who will take care of you or your loved one at home? Will it be a family member or a home care service?
  3. If home care is needed, who is paying? (Insurance? Medicare? Personal Funds?)
  4. How will you or your loved one get to and from appointments?


Is the home prepared?

    • Will you need a ramp to get in and out?
    • Are there handrails on steps?
    • Are the bedroom and bathroom on the main floor? If not, will you need a stairlift or need to make a main floor room into a makeshift bedroom?
    • If you are headed home a wheelchair, are the doorways wide enough to accommodate?
    • Are you or your loved one able to get in and out of the tub/shower?
    • Is there a shower seat or bench?


Learn as much about the disease or injury as possible. 

How does it normally progress? What needs do you expect  in the future?


If you are nervous about the discharge process, alleviate it by being as prepared as possible for the transition. Don’t be shy about asking questions while you’re still in the hospital or rehab to make sure you are totally comfortable. If you realize your home needs to be modified, even if it’s not permanent, we can help you get what you need so you can come home to an environment that is as safe and accessible as possible. 

If you need help getting your home ready for discharge in a hurry, we can help! We can install ramps in as little as one day. Call COR Freedom at 810-213-6377 or complete the form below today!

Contact Us Today!


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